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Influencer Outreach

Become somebody first by building up your own social media presence; that makes you somebody. Before starting outreach, you must be established. The more followers you have, the better your response rate will (probably) be.

Old or infrequent content can be a problem for someone investigating your social media worth. You may need to remove dates from old articles on your blog, or backdate them to show a longer history of established content. If you’re trying to bring attention to your blog, then you’re going to need to host it on your own domain name (not as a subdomain of WordPress.com or blogspot.com). You don’t want to look cheap and amateurish.

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Three is the outside figure, over a period of a week or two. People are busy, especially entrepreneurs.

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Search for your keywords on social networks and see who’s most active for those terms or hashtags. There are some people who write about different stuff each week, and some people who specialize in one topic. You can do a Twitter hashtag search or a Facebook page search. Twitter searches are good because you can search by keywords (not just hashtags) on people’s profiles. You can also try LinkedIn, especially for anything related to B2B. Look for people who are speaking at conferences in your market.

For Google Blog Search, you won’t want to use search terms like “fashion blogger” or “fashion blog”—look for the subject “fashion,” or something more targeted, like “winter fashion,” and then find bloggers therein. For a Google web search, “fashion blogger” or “fashion blog” are fine. Specific long-tail keywords are better than broad keywords.

When you’re writing your articles for outreach participation, focus your content on issues and subjects that apply to these targeted bloggers. The bloggers who write about broad topics are swamped by a lot of junk content, so it’s harder to get through to them.

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There are firms that do this for you. There are also products that make the whole process much easier and provide a single interface for everything. Pitchbox is a great example of this chapter’s entire process folded into one web application.

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